Research articles in peer-reviewed journals
Dobbins, M. & Labanino, R. (2024): "From agents of the people to agents of authority? How illiberal populism impacts interactions between regulatory agencies and external stakeholders". Regulation & Governance, doi:
Dobbins, M. & Labanino, R. (2024): "Exploring the catalysts of lobbying coalitions in Central and Eastern Europe". East European Politics, online first, doi:
Labanino, R. & Dobbins, M. (2024): "The Macro-Political Context and Interest Groups' Access to Policymakers". Government and Opposition, 59(3), 735-760, doi: - 2021 Best Paper Award, European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Interest Groups
Labanino, R. & Dobbins, M. (2023): "Post-truth Post-Communism? - Information Oriented Lobbying in the Context of Democratic Backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe". Democratization, 30(7), 1264-1290, doi:
Labanino, R. & Dobbins, M. (2023): "Democratic Backsliding and Organized Interests in Central and Eastern Europe - An Introduction". Politics and Governance, 11(1), 1-4, doi:
Labanino, R. & Dobbins, M. (2023): "Multilevel Venue Shopping Amid Democratic Backsliding in New EU Member States". Politics and Governance, 11(1), 65-79, doi:
Dobbins, M., Labanino, R., Riedel, R., Czarnecki, Sz., Horváth, B., & Szyszkowska, E. (2023): "Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making: New Datasets for Comparative Research". Interest Groups & Advocacy, 12(1), 73-101, doi:
Hemmer, I., Winter, M., Mainka, S., Mark, U., Bagoly-Simó, P., Lude, A., und Labanino, R. (2023): "Welche Indikatoren sind geeignet, um die Verankerung von BNE im schulischen System zu messen?" Zeitschrift für Geographiedidaktik - Journal of Geography Education, 50(2), 62-81, doi:
Dobbins, M., Horváth, B., & Labanino, R. (2022): "Are post-communist interest organisations learning to lobby? Exploring the “coming-of-age” of Central and Eastern European interest groups". Democratization, 29(7), 1268-1290, doi:
Labanino, R. & Dobbins, M. (2022): „The goal is not necessarily to sit at the table’ – Resisting autocratic legalism in Hungarian academia 2017-2019”, Higher Education Quarterly, 76(3), 521-536 (published online: 4.12.2020), doi:
Dobbins, M., Horváth, B., & Labanino, R. (2022): "Exploring the domestic and international drivers of professionalization of Central and Eastern European interest groups". European Political Science Review, 14(2), 263-281, doi:
Labanino, R., Lude, A., Mainka, S., Drognitz, M., Hemmer, I., Bagoly-Simó, P., Hartmann, J., & Ulrich, M. (2022): "Measuring Financial, Personnel and Material Resources for Education of Sustainable Development in the German School System. A proposal for the German Educational Monitoring and Reporting". Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 16(1), doi:
Labanino, R., Dobbins, M, & Horváth, B. (2021): "Explaining the Density of Post-Communist Interest Group Populations - Resources, Constituencies, and Regime Change". Interest Groups & Advocacy 10(4), 321-344, doi:
Horváth, B., Dobbins, M., & Labanino, R. (2021): "Towards energy policy corporatism in Central and Eastern Europe?" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10(4), 399-429. doi:
Dobbins, M., Horváth, B., & Labanino, R. (2021): "Exploring interest intermediation in Central and Eastern Europe: Is higher education different?" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10(4), 347-375. doi:
Labanino, R., Dobbins, M., Czarnecki, Sz., & Železnik A. (2021): „Explaining the Formation Rates of Post-Communist Interest Organizations: Density Dependence and Political Opportunity Structure”, East European Politics and Societies, 35(4), 1043-1067. doi:
Chapters in edit volumes
Dobbins, M., Labanino, R., Vetulani-Cęgiel, A. (2026): "Interest Groups and Democratic Backsliding", in Raj Chari, Michele Crepaz, Wibke Marie Junk, & Emilia Korkea-aho (eds.): Oxford Handbook of Lobbying and Its Regulation, Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming)
Dobbins, M. & Labanino, R. (2023): "Corporatism and Neo-Corporatism", in Marco Guigni & Maria Grasso (eds.): Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, (pp. 111-114). doi:
Labanino, R., Dobbins, M., & Riedel, R. (2021): "There is No Tabula Rasa – The effect of communist rule on organizational formations in pre-transition interest group populations”, in Michael Dobbins and Rafael Riedel (eds.): The “Missing Link”: Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy Making, Abingdon, New York: Routledge (pp. 25-46). doi:
Dobbins, M., Labanino, R., & Horváth, B. (2021): "Exploring populations of organized interests in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe", in Michael Dobbins and Rafael Riedel (eds.): The “Missing Link”: Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy Making, Abingdon, New York: Routledge (pp. 47-76). doi:
Labanino, R. (2020): "State-Labour Relations in Illiberal Times – The Dissolution of Social Dialogue in Hungary", in Romana Careja, Nathalie Giger, and Patrick Emmenegger (eds.): The European Social Model Under Pressure, Liber Amicorum in Honour of Klaus Armingeon, Wiesbaden: Springer VS (pp. 89-106). doi:
Policy papers, reports
Reznikova, L., Labanino, R., & McKee Mathews, D. (2024).: “Building Stronger Skills through Social Dialogue: The power of stakeholder engagement in education and skills policy”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. doi:
Schmidt, M., Schindler, D., Arneth, A., Kesselring, S., Löbbe S., Pehnt, M., Liebhart, L., Jung, C., Laimer, T., Labanino, R., Hackbart, A., Acker, Y., Ortner, S., Mellwig, P. (2024): "Stellungnahme gemäß § 16 Absatz 2 KlimaG BW zum Fortschritt des Klimaschutzes in Baden-Württemberg und zum Klima-Maßnahmen-Register, Bezugsjahr 2023", Klima-Sachverständigenrat Baden-Württemberg, 18.10.2024,
Kesselring, S., Labanino, R. (2024): "Impulspapier - Mobilität und Klima. Zusätzliche gesellschaftliche Potenziale der Mobilitätswende nutzen: Transformation beschleunigen." Klima-Sachverständigenrat Baden-Württemberg, 10.10.2024,
Book reviews
Labanino, R. (2023): "Gábor Scheiring, The Retreat of Liberal Democracy: Authoritarian Capitalism and the Accumulative State in Hungary." Competition & Change, 27(1), 247-250. doi:10.1177/10245294211049501
Labanino, R. (2020): "A NER gazdaságtana (The Political Economy of the System of National Cooperation). Scheiring Gábor, Egy demokrácia halála. Az autoriter kapitalizmus és a felhalmozó állam felemelkedése Magyarországon." Budapesti Könyvszemle - BUKSZ, (32)2-3, pp. 83-89,
Dobbins, M., Labanino, R., Riedel, R., Czarnecki, Sz., Horváth, B., & Szyszkowska, E. (2022): OrgIntCEE Population Ecology and Survey Datasets,
Armingeon, K., Baccaro, L., Fill, A., Galindo, J., Heeb, S., & Labanino, R. (2019): Liberalization Database 1973-2013, Zürich, Trento, Geneva, and Cologne,
Conference papers
Professionalization and Movementization - Civil society organization's internal coping mechanism with de-democratization. with Áron Buzogány and Márton Gerő
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference - University College Dublin, Dublin, 12-15. August 2024
Lobbying the Bureaucracy in Times of Backsliding Populism. with Michel Dobbins
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference - University College Dublin, Dublin, 12-15. August 2024
Strategies of Boundary Opening in Backsliding States: The Case of Hungary. with Sonja Priebus
12th Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on the European Union, European Consortium for Political Research General Conference - Universaded NOVA, Lisbon, 19-21. June 2024
The Polity, Population and Organizational Level Determinants of Inter-Group Cooperation. with Michael Dobbins
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference - Charles University, Prague, 4-8. September 2023
Exploring expertise-oriented lobbying in the context of democratic backsliding. with Michael Dobbins
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference - Charles University, Prague, 4-8. September 2023
An efficiency and quality enhancing reform or authoritarian power grab? Understanding stakeholder position towards the semi-privatization of the Hungarian higher education sector. with Michael Dobbins
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference - Charles University, Prague, 4-8. September 2023
A Strange Case of Non-resistance - the Restructuring of the Hungarian Higher Education Sector. with Michael Dobbins
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference - University of Innsbruck, 22-26. August 2022
Taking My (Even Better) Business Elswhere - Multilevel Venue Shopping Amid Democratic Backsliding in the European Union. with Michael Dobbins
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference - University of Innsbruck, 22-26. August 2022
The End of "Freedom" in Central and Eastern Europe? Adressing the Challanges of an Illiberal Turn - Andrássy University Budapest, 09-11. June 2022
Post truth post-communism or to much ado about nothing? with Michel Dobbins (presenter in Gothenburg, corresponding author) and Brigitte Horváth (presenter in Budapest)
Trajectories of civil society in a de-democratizing context - Workshop at the Institute for Sociology, Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, 17-19. November 2021
Workshop on policy advice in de-democratizing contexts. - Hybrid workshop at the Hjortviken Conference Center, Gothenburg - Organizers: Katrzyna Jezierska, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden, Andrea Krizsán, Central European University, Vienna, Austria, and Adrienne Sörbom, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-19. November 2021
Educational governance in European comparison: Explaining the Dynamics, Forms and Impact of School Autonomy with Professor Michael Dobbins (presenter) und Dennis Niemann
Developments and Changes in Education Systems across Global 'Cultural Spheres' - Workshop at the Collaborative Research Center 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy, University of Bremen, 8-9. October 2021
Exploring interest intermediation in Central and Eastern Europe: Is higher education different? with Professor Michal Dobbins und Brigitte Horváthová
29. Tagung Junger Osteuropaexpertinnen (JOE), University of Zürich, 30. September -2. October 2021
Measuring Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education
ECER 2021 - the European Conference on Educational Research, University of Geneva (online), 6-10. September 2021
Density, diversity and corporatism: Exploring the links between macro- and micro-level factors mediating interest group access to policy-makers, with Professor Michael Dobbins and Brigitte Horváthová - 2021 Best Paper Award, ECPR Standing Group on Interest groups
Online General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, 30. August - 3. September 2021
“If you’re not at the table, you’re probably on the menu”: Exploring the impact of inclusion and exclusion on the strategies of insider and outsider interest groups in Central and Eastern Europe, with Brigitte Horváth (presenter) and Professor Michael Dobbins
Online General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, 30. August - 3. September 2021
Education for Sustainable Development in German Teacher Training, with Professor Armin Lude, Marc Drognitz, Mark Ullrich, and Johanna Hartmann
International Geographical Union (IGU-CGE) Conference, Karls-University, Prague, 10-13. August 2021
There is No Tabula Rasa – The effect of communist rule on organizational formations in pre-transition interest group populations
Workshop - Interest Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe, University of Konstanz, University of Opole (online) 11. June 2020
Indikatoren zur Messung von BNE-Implementierung im Schulischen Bereich, mit Professor Dr Armin Lude und Marc Drognitz
Das Deutschsprachige Netzwerk LehrerInnenbildung für eine nachhaltige Enwicklung - LeNa Online Tagung "Sustainable Development Goals und Lehrer*innenbildung" & Arbeitstreffen, Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik Wien, 14-15. Dezember 2020
Explaining Interest Organization Population Density Across Public and Business Sector Domains in Post-Communist EU Member States, with Professor Dr Michael Dobbins und Brigitte Horvathová
Online General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, 24-28. August 2020
The goal is not necessarily to sit at the table’ – Resisting autocratic legalism in Hungarian academia 2017-2019, mit Professor Dr Michal Dobbins
General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, 4-7. September 2019, University of Wroclaw
The Effects of Europeanisation on National Level Success - The Importance of EU Associations for Access and the Professionalisation of Interest Groups in Central and Eastern Europe, mit Professor Dr Michael Dobbins und Ana Zeleznik
General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, 4-7. September 2019, University of Wroclaw
Organized interests in post-communist democracies: What are the keys to access? mit Professor Dr Michael Dobbins, Brigitte Horvathová und Szczepan Czarnecki
General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, 4-7. September 2019, University of Wroclaw
26th International Conference of Europeanists, 20-22. June 2019, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
The Population Ecology of National Organized Interest Groups in Energy Policy and Higher Education in Hungary and Poland 1989-2018, mit Professor Dr Michael Dobbins und Ana Zeleznik
General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, 22-26. August 2018, University of Hamburg
Politicologenetmaal 2018, 07-08. Juni 2018, University of Leiden
No country for the unemployed – the political economy of passive labor market policies in Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, and Poland
General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, am 22-26. August 2018, University of Hamburg
General Conference of the Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Januar 2017, University of St. Gallen
The Institutional Conditions of Democratic Regression in Hungary
Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences, Language-Based Area Studies, Juni 2015, University of Edinburgh
Workshop of Hungarian Studies, November 2014, University of Glasgow