
Research articles in peer-reviewed journals

Chapters in edit volumes

Book reviews


Conference papers


The Polity, Population and Organizational Level Determinants of Inter-Group Cooperation. with Michael Dobbins

Exploring expertise-oriented lobbying in the context of democratic backsliding. with Michael Dobbins

An efficiency and quality enhancing reform or authoritarian power grab? Understanding stakeholder position towards the semi-privatization of the Hungarian higher education sector. with Michael Dobbins


A Strange Case of Non-resistance - the Restructuring of the Hungarian Higher Education Sector. with Michael Dobbins

Taking My (Even Better) Business Elswhere - Multilevel Venue Shopping Amid Democratic Backsliding in the European Union. with Michael Dobbins


Post truth post-communism or to much ado about nothing? with Michel Dobbins (presenter in Gothenburg, corresponding author) and Brigitte Horváth (presenter in Budapest)

Educational governance in European comparison: Explaining the Dynamics, Forms and Impact of School Autonomy with Professor Michael Dobbins (presenter) und Dennis Niemann

Exploring interest intermediation in Central and Eastern Europe: Is higher education different? with Professor Michal Dobbins und Brigitte Horváthová

Measuring Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education

Density, diversity and corporatism: Exploring the links between macro- and micro-level factors mediating interest group access to policy-makers, with Professor Michael Dobbins and Brigitte Horváthová - 2021 Best Paper Award, ECPR Standing Group on Interest groups

“If you’re not at the table, you’re probably on the menu”: Exploring the impact of inclusion and exclusion on the strategies of insider and outsider interest groups in Central and Eastern Europe, with Brigitte Horváth (presenter) and Professor Michael Dobbins

Education for Sustainable Development in German Teacher Training, with Professor Armin Lude, Marc Drognitz, Mark Ullrich, and Johanna Hartmann

There is No Tabula Rasa – The effect of communist rule on organizational formations in pre-transition interest group populations


Indikatoren zur Messung von BNE-Implementierung im Schulischen Bereich, mit Professor Dr Armin Lude und Marc Drognitz

Explaining Interest Organization Population Density Across Public and Business Sector Domains in Post-Communist EU Member States, with Professor Dr Michael Dobbins und Brigitte Horvathová

The goal is not necessarily to sit at the table’ – Resisting autocratic legalism in Hungarian academia 2017-2019, mit Professor Dr Michal Dobbins

The Effects of Europeanisation on National Level Success - The Importance of EU Associations for Access and the Professionalisation of Interest Groups in Central and Eastern Europe, mit Professor Dr Michael Dobbins und Ana Zeleznik

Organized interests in post-communist democracies: What are the keys to access? mit Professor Dr Michael Dobbins, Brigitte Horvathová und Szczepan Czarnecki

The Population Ecology of National Organized Interest Groups in Energy Policy and Higher Education in Hungary and Poland 1989-2018, mit Professor Dr Michael Dobbins und Ana Zeleznik

No country for the unemployed – the political economy of passive labor market policies in Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, and Poland

The Institutional Conditions of Democratic Regression in Hungary