
Current research projects

Montoring and researching mobility transformation in Baden-Württemberg - Climate Advisory Council Baden-Württemberg

ZIMT - A Network for Social Innovators in Mobility

INTEND - INequaliTiEs and Democratic Participation in the EU’s NeighbourhooD (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien and Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris)

Former research projects

Joining forces for better skills: the role of stakeholder engagement mechanisms in education and skills policy

A research project with the OECD Centre for Skills on stakeholder engagement in skills policy and governance

The 'Missing Link': examining organized interests in post-communist policy making

Entwickling von Indikatoren zur Erfassung von BNE in schulischen Bildungsbereich (E-I-BNEs)

Liberalization Database 1973-2013